The increasing concern of air pollution level, both indoors and outdoors has made Home Dehumidifiers in Boston a necessity. And as per EPA, the indoor air quality can be 5 times as polluted as outdoor air. And that is the reason why Air purifiers have become an absolute necessity in these times we live in.
Why does indoor air quality matter?
Air pollution is the major problem in urban areas, which majorly consists of industrial fuel burning and vehicle emissions. Whereas indoor air quality gets affected by diverse sources, which typically include household cleaning products, fuel-burning appliances, excess moisture, dust, decaying building materials, pet hair and dandruff, and dust.
The reason why indoor air quality is worse than outdoor air quality is because it stays trapped inside your house for a long time without efficient removal. You are not very likely to feel the effects of indoor pollution that quickly, but prolonged exposure to such harmful indoor pollutants can have adverse effects on health, and its symptoms could include sneezing, coughing, eye irritation, and headaches.
The abundant research about the health benefits of air purififers has been put everywhere. Dehumidifers in Boston are now pretty common, considering how harmful it has become to breathe indoor air. Yet people, at times give second thoughts to air purifiers despite knowing that they can significantly improve our health. These are the benefits that are backed by verified research and not just some marketing tactic by a air purifier company trying to make a buck.Cleaner air to breathe
Clean air filtration systems give you exactly that—cleaner air to breathe indoors. It ensures that you and your family are breathing cleaner and healthier air, which determines the overall health of your family. And at Home Mechanics, we understand that, so reach out to us for accurate recommendations for cleaning air filters that are personalized to your specific needs. Also, call us for your periodic air filtration services. Clean air is an absolute necessity in places like Boston these days; reach out to your trustworthy handyman to do the job right.
Elimination of harmful chemicals from Indoor environments
Despite shutting all your doors and windows against harmful pollutants outside, you still can’t shut off pollutants like carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide. These are the gases that are commonly found in areas of high motor vehicle traffic, and they can enter your home just as easily. Too much exposure to these harmful gases increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
Your indoor environment can still be filled with toxins from several cleaning agents since the regular household cleaners contain toxic chemicals like ammonia, chlorine, and phthalates. These chemicals, when spread out in an enclosed space too regularly, can lead to some serious health issues like cancer, tumors, neurological disorders, and cardiovascular diseases.
Clean air filtration systems can cleanse such chemical contaminants which avoids the risk of number of health problems. The mechanism of the system works such that, it is used in this carbon filtering method to trap chemicals, and it then recycles fresh air back to the room.
Neutralizes unpleasant odours
Chemicals like benzene, gasoline, and formaldehyde fizzle out at room temperature, which causes an off-gassing odor in the room. These released chemicals are called VOCs (volatile organic compounds), and they are commonly found in paints, upholstered furniture, aerosol sprays, and even air fresheners.
The odor from VOCs can have severe negative effects on your health, such as nausea and shortness of breath, and can eventually affect your cognitive functions. And some studies have even shown that low VOC levels in the surrounding air can improve productivity and performance. The air purifiers do their job well, giving you an odor-free room that is also fresh and clean.
Airborne disease risks are reduced.
The tiny pathogens floating around your room can become the cause of airborne diseases and this is why when one member of the family catches the flu,thers tend to get sick too. ThisThis is due to the fact that everyone in the house is breathing the same infected air. Safeguard your family from these airborne diseases with clean air filtration systems.
Improved quality of sleep
The allergens like fungi, bacteria, and dust mites present in indoor air prompt allergies or hay fever. And with that comes problems like frequent sneezing, coughing, nose congestion, or a sore throat, all of which can disrupt sleep.
And not getting enough sleep can cause daytime drowsiness, which then affects your productivity the next morning. With a proper air filtration system in place, you will see how most allergens get filtered out of your room, making it cleaner and providing you with a good night’s sleep.
Removes hazardous asbestos particles
If you live in an old commercial building or an old house that dates back to the 40s and 60s, you may be exposed to asbestos particles. As these buildings age, they start shedding materials and spreading asbestos in the ambient air. If you inhale these asbestos particles, they will very likely cause lung disease marked by tissue scarring. The common symptoms of this condition include loss of appetite, swelling in the neck or face, and having a tough time swallowing food. All this also increases the risk of lung cancer.
What is a HEPA Filter?
According to, a HEPA Filter is:
HEPA is a type of pleated mechanical air filter. It is an acronym for "high efficiency particulate air [filter]" (as officially defined by the U.S. Dept. of Energy). This type of air filter can theoretically remove at least 99.97% of dust, pollen, mold, bacteria, and any airborne particles with a size of 0.3 microns (µm). The diameter specification of 0.3 microns responds to the worst case; the most penetrating particle size (MPPS). Particles that are larger or smaller are trapped with even higher efficiency. Using the worst case particle size results in the worst case efficiency rating (i.e. 99.97% or better for all particle sizes).
In simple terms, a HEPA filter is an air purifier, and it helps remove unwanted particles in your home.
Can air purifiers remove coronavirus?
Yes HEPA air purifiers can. HEPA air filters microns capture aerosolized viruses the size of 0.01 micron (or 10 nanometers). The coronavirus (COVID-19) is approximately 0.125 micron (125 nanometers).
However, there are other factors and it may not be possible for an air purifier to capture every micron of coronavirus before infecting a member in your home. Good air circulation helps air purifiers pass more air through their system.
Can an air purifier eliminate bad outdoor air?
Yes, air purifiers can work to filter and eliminate particles that cause bad smells, however the EPA states that:
No air cleaner or filter will eliminate all of the air pollutants in your home
What else do I need to do to improve air quality in my home?
You can do the following to improve the air quality in your home:
- Refrain from smoking indoors
- Refrain from idling any gas powered vehicles or devices in an enclosed garage
- Assess the humidity in your home (and keep it between 30%-50%)
- Fix any mold and moisture build up, especially in high humidity areas like washrooms
- Thoroughly clean carpets and furniture where odour build is most likely
- Leave interior doors open to improve air flow
- Always use your bathroom and kitchen fans
- Keep baseboards and heating vents clear of furniture
- Open windows when the weather is nice
- Use your HVAC system to help with air flow
- Clean your HVAC system as recommended by your professional HVAC professional
- Replace your HVAC filter every 3 months
What do air purifiers actually filter out?
Air filters all work in a very similar way. Firstly, they allow air to pass through a filter screen, and the filter material catches particle matter like dust, pollen, pet dander and dust allergens. Some types of filters can remove bacteria and viruses depending on the type of filter media used.
After an amount of time, your filter will become clogged from capturing material passing through the filters and will need to be replaced.
Bottom Line
As important as it is to own an air purifier at home, it is equally important to maintain it. Our air quality technicians can precisely gauge what products will improve the quality of air at your home. With our dependable air filtration services, you can improve the quality of air in your house.
And when you want to work with an experienced team of HVAC technicians, look no further than Home Mechanics for your heating, cooling, plumbing and electrical needs. We are always ready to provide you with the best HVAC solutions in town.